The Coalescence of Creation our Body Art Yarn Bomb Installation at the World Bodypainting Festival features many stories, characters and elements. Over the next few posts we will introduce your to some of our favourite pieces.
The Family Heirloom Tree from The Coalescence of Creation. Award winning Installation Art by Emma Cammack from the World Bodypainting Festival 2015. Sponsored by Cameleon Bodypaint.
The Family Heirloom Tree is made up from precious pieces passed down to our family and lovingly kept. Filled with personal memories of childhood, family, love and loss. The large lace table cloth was collected by my husband years ago in Turkey and has held a special place in family meals and celebrations, the place mats were crocheted by my Grandfather and Grandmother Fred and Kathleen Cammack, both of whom were huge inspirations to me. The Baby blanket was one gifted to us on the birth of our first child by my husband's family, the baby birds represent my husband's beautiful older sister Christine who he never met, but is forever in our hearts. Her baby mittens have been turned into chicks and nestle in a nest made from one of my husband's hats. Family ties, family threads that bind us are represented by this tree, those we wish were here but are not and watch us from heaven. This is a tree filled with love, one that i am sure made my Grandfather smile down on us.

Nesting chicks by Emma Cammack,
from vintage baby mittens belonging to Christine Harre
Nesting chicks by Emma Cammack,
from vintage baby mittens belonging to Christine Harre
Gecko made by Victoria Mitchell
The tree features baby blankets, shawls and table cloths, runners and mats passed down from relatives to our family and treasured and reminders of family and childhood.
The tree features baby blankets, shawls and table cloths, runners and mats passed down from relatives to our family and treasured and reminders of family and childhood.
The Coalescence of Creation is a Body Art Yarn Bomb Installation piece featured as part of the World Bodypainting Festival, Austria, 2015. The Installation won 1st Place in the Special Awards, Installation Art Award.
To view more art by Emma Cammack visit
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