Workshops and Classes
Emma teaches workshops and classes privately in her studio as well as by invitation around the world for individuals, small groups or at events.
Painted by Emma and students at a camouflage workshop event.
Emma has been or will be an instructor or Judge for the following events or organisations:
World Bodypainting Festival Academy
Jamvention, FIP, Belgium
The Welsh Bodypainting Festival, UK
The UK Face and Bodypainting Convention
Face and Body Art Convention, Las Vegas, USA
Las Vegas Jamvention, USA
Westminster Adult Education Service
UK Make-Up School
I Love Me, Finnish Make-Up and Body Art Awards.
Future Leaders, UK
Painture Festival, Paris France
Professional Beauty, London
Oldham Theatre Workshop, UK
Daegu International Bodypainting Festival, South Korea
Professional Beauty North
To organise one of Emma's workshops at your event or for your school or group please contact us at